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Lesson Plans and Classroom Visits

Lesson Plans and Classroom Visits Coasts, Oceans, and Stewardship Program (COAST) This program is a collaboration between the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center and WHOI Sea Grant.   WHOI Sea Grant (WHOI SG) and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) in Woods Hole, MA developed a program to create educational materials relating to key marine and…

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1990-2000 Fisheries & Aquaculture Overview

Snapshot WHOI Sea Grant’s investment in fisheries and aquaculture has resulted in the development of better management practices and policies for shellfish harvest and shellfish aquaculture and better understanding of the life history and environmental requirements of commercially important species of fish and shellfish. Background In Massachusetts, the fishing and aquaculture industries are tightly entwined…

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Theme Booklet: Fisheries and Aquaculture

Theme Booklet: Fisheries and Aquaculture WHOI Sea Grant 4 pp., 2000 WHOI-G-00-004 Learn more of WHOI Sea Grant’s investment in fisheries and aquaculture which has resulted in the development of better management practices and policies for shellfish harvest and shellfish aquaculture and better understanding of the life history and environmental requirements of commercially important species…

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Nonfuel Minerals

Nonfuel Minerals Broadus, J.M. and P. Hoagland In: Farrow, S., J.M. Broadus, T. Grigalunas, P. Hoagland, and J. Opaluch (eds.), Managing the Outer Continental Shelf Lands: Oceans of Controversy, pp. 119-134, 1990 WHOI-R-90-021

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