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1990-2000 Fisheries & Aquaculture Overview

Snapshot WHOI Sea Grant’s investment in fisheries and aquaculture has resulted in the development of better management practices and policies for shellfish harvest and shellfish aquaculture and better understanding of the life history and environmental requirements of commercially important species of fish and shellfish. Background In Massachusetts, the fishing and aquaculture industries are tightly entwined…

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Theme Booklet: Fisheries and Aquaculture

Theme Booklet: Fisheries and Aquaculture WHOI Sea Grant 4 pp., 2000 WHOI-G-00-004 Learn more of WHOI Sea Grant’s investment in fisheries and aquaculture which has resulted in the development of better management practices and policies for shellfish harvest and shellfish aquaculture and better understanding of the life history and environmental requirements of commercially important species…

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Seabed Materials

Seabed Materials Broadus, J.M. Science, Vol. 235, pp. 853-860, 1987 WHOI-R-87-004 A large catalog of materials has been proposed as potential seabed resources, and some seabed materials such as hydrocarbons and tin already contribute to the world’s economy. Scientific advances have increased our knowledge of other seabed prospects, but realization of their potential will be…

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Climates! It’s all in the data

Climates! It’s All in the Data             This program is a collaboration between the Cape Cod Regional STEM Network and Woods Hole Sea Grant. Summary In this 3rd grade unit, the students explore the different climate regions of the world. Not only will the students learn the differences between climate and…

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Teacher Workshop: December, 3 2021-Invasive Species

Marine Invaders: Green crabs and other local invasive species Presenters: Dr. Carolyn Tepolt, WHOI Biology Department – Invasive Species on Our Shores, Presentation Slides   Dan Martino, co-owner, Cottage City Oysters – Invasive Species in Aquaculture, Presentation Slides   Date:  December 2021   Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities NOAA Live! 4 Kids recorded webinars:  These…

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