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Update on River Herring Network

Update on River Herring Network Dec. 2017 — Each spring river herring come from the ocean and swim, or “run” up rivers to spawn in ponds and slow sections of rivers. Each fall, Massachusetts river herring wardens gather together to talk about their favorite fish and discuss ways to preserve it. For centuries, people used…

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Teacher Workshop November 2003

Teacher Workshop November 2003 “Right Whale Ecology at the Intersection of Science, Technology, and Conservation” Dr. Mark Baumgartner is an Assistant Scientist in the Biology department of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He studies the foraging behavior and ecology of whales, and the formation and location of the patches of plankton that whales feed on. In this…

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June 2018 Newsletter

Coastal Impacts Woods Hole Sea Grant Newsletter June 2018 From the Director With the summer upon us, many locals and frequent visitors to the Cape will be returning to their favorite beaches to find them quite different than last year. Perhaps there are fewer parking spaces or the beach access has been relocated. The past…

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Nonfuel Minerals

Nonfuel Minerals Broadus, J.M. and P. Hoagland In: Farrow, S., J.M. Broadus, T. Grigalunas, P. Hoagland, and J. Opaluch (eds.), Managing the Outer Continental Shelf Lands: Oceans of Controversy, pp. 119-134, 1990 WHOI-R-90-021

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Sediment Cores Hold Clues to Past Hurricanes

Sediment Cores Hold Clues to Past Climate   June 1 marked the start of the Atlantic hurricane season. After last year’s extremely active and costly hurricane season, many are asking whether ocean warming, sea-level rise, and climate disruption are signaling a new, more intense hurricane regime. Should we in the Northeast do more to prepare…

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