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Property Owners

Property Owners Technical Assistance Extension agents provides technical assistance to property owners on the following topics and issues: » Erosion control alternatives » Potential effects of various human activities on coastal landforms » Beach and dune restoration and stabilization techniques » Coastal landscaping » Coastal floodplains » Sea level rise » Storm surge » Flood…

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Bulletin: Beach and Dune Profiles: An Educational Tool for Observing and Comparing Dynamic Coastal Environments

Bulletin: Beach and Dune Profiles: An Educational Tool for Observing and Comparing Dynamic Coastal Environments Beaches and dunes are in constant motion, continually changing shape and shifting position in response to winds, waves, tides, relative sea level, and human activities. The most significant changes occur seasonally and following storms.

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COVID-19 Resources

COVID 19 RESOURCES We are pleased to offer the following resources to assist our stakeholders, developed during the pandemic but still relevant to a great deal as we transition back to a “new normal.” Woods Hole Sea Grant staff are working a hybrid of remote and in-office schedules but as always are available to assist you…

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Funded Projects by Research Focus Areas

Research Focus Areas Healthy Coastal Ecosystems Issues related to healthy coastal ecosystems on the coast of Massachusetts and in Northeastern U.S. are similar to those issues experienced in other areas of the U.S. coastline. Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Woods Hole Sea Grant has identified the revitalization of our nation’s fisheries and sustainable aquaculture as priority…

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Clearing the Way for River Herring in Plymouth

Just a stone’s throw from the Plymouth Rock where the Pilgrim’s first landed in 1620 is the mouth of Town Brook, a river that runs through the center of Plymouth and was once the source of fresh water and food for the Pilgrims. Chief among the fish from the river were herring, whose annual migration…

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Bulletin: Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management

Bulletin: Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management Soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, are an enigma to scientists, managers, and shellfish harvesters in southeastern Massachusetts and throughout the bivalve’s range. One year, clams may settle in very dense concentrations, while, the following year, there may be no soft-shell clam recruitment at the…

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