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The following videos are available in DVD by emailing and via YouTube as we upload them. Oceans Alive 2008 “Whale Detection System Help Prevent Ship Strikes” featuring John Kemp, Mooring Operation & Engineering group, WHOI Oceans Alive 2007 DVD, 2007 WHOI-V-07-002 This DVD includes the presentations from the 2007 “Oceans Alive” lecture series. Presentations…

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Updrift Migration of Tidal Inlets

Updrift Migration of Tidal Inlets Aubrey, D.G. and P.E. Speer Journal of Geology, Vol. 92, pp. 531-545, 1984 WHOI-R-84-009 Migration of tidal inlets and the associated changes in adjacent barrier beaches have profound implications on both the geological evolution of inlet/estuary systems and the short-term stability of these features. Past studies have documented many instances…

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Bulletin: New Shoreline Change Data Reveal Massachusetts is Eroding

Bulletin: New Shoreline Change Data Reveal Massachusetts is Eroding Approximately 75 percent of the U.S. ocean shoreline is eroding. Massachusetts’ ocean-facing shore is no exception. A recent study of shoreline change in Massachusetts by the U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant Program, and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension reveals that approximately 68 percent,…

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Shellfish Diseases: Current Concerns in the Northeast: Proceedings of a Sea Grant-supported Workshop Held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on February 26, 1987

Shellfish Diseases: Current Concerns in the Northeast: Proceedings of a Sea Grant-supported Workshop Held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on February 26, 1987 Helpful to educators and students Only available on loan from the National Sea Grant Library White, A.W. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Technical Report No. WHOI-87-13, 38 pp., 1987 WHOI-W-87-001

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