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Sediment Cores Hold Clues to Past Climate

June 1 marked the start of the Atlantic hurricane season. After last year’s extremely active and costly hurricane season, many are asking whether ocean warming, sea-level rise, and climate disruption are signaling a new, more intense hurricane regime. Should we in the Northeast do more to prepare for powerful hurricanes? To know what to expect,…

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On the Selection of Aquaculture Species: A Case Study of Marine Molluscs

On the Selection of Aquaculture Species: A Case Study of Marine Molluscs Mann, R. Aquaculture, Vol. 39, pp. 345-353, 1984 WHOI-R-84-004 An overview of marine mollusc culture in the Pacific Ocean reveals a rich variety of species in culture, physical environments where culture is effected, and technological, social, and economic backgrounds of participating individuals. Despite…

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Bulletin: Coastal Dune Protection & Restoration

Bulletin: Coastal Dune Protection & Restoration This bulletin addresses restoration of the dynamic frontal coastal sand dune system with sand fencing and ‘Cape’ American beachgrass. Other typical Northeast area dune plants, such as Rosa Rugosa, Bayberry, and Beach Plum occupy more stable secondary and backdune areas.

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Sediment Cores Hold Clues to Past Hurricanes

Sediment Cores Hold Clues to Past Climate   June 1 marked the start of the Atlantic hurricane season. After last year’s extremely active and costly hurricane season, many are asking whether ocean warming, sea-level rise, and climate disruption are signaling a new, more intense hurricane regime. Should we in the Northeast do more to prepare…

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Plants and Animal Habitats

Plant and Animal Habitats             This program is a collaboration between the Cape Cod Regional STEM Network and Woods Hole Sea Grant. Summary In this 2nd grade unit, the students will explore the habitats of plants and animals.  A habitat is a place where an animal or plant lives that meets…

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Teacher Workshop: December, 3 2021-Invasive Species

Marine Invaders: Green crabs and other local invasive species Presenters: Dr. Carolyn Tepolt, WHOI Biology Department – Invasive Species on Our Shores, Presentation Slides   Dan Martino, co-owner, Cottage City Oysters – Invasive Species in Aquaculture, Presentation Slides   Date:  December 2021   Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities NOAA Live! 4 Kids recorded webinars:  These…

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