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Teacher Workshop: December, 3 2021-Invasive Species

Marine Invaders: Green crabs and other local invasive species Presenters: Dr. Carolyn Tepolt, WHOI Biology Department – Invasive Species on Our Shores, Presentation Slides   Dan Martino, co-owner, Cottage City Oysters – Invasive Species in Aquaculture, Presentation Slides   Date:  December 2021   Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities NOAA Live! 4 Kids recorded webinars:  These…

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Sea Grant 2019 Aquaculture Funding Opportunities

The National Sea Grant College Program (NSGCP) has announced three federal funding opportunities (FFOs) to advance U.S. aquaculture for FY2019. Two of the three require a Sea Grant partner in order to submit the proposal for funding consideration from the NSGCP.  The third FFO does not require a Sea Grant partner, however, WHSG is willing to…

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Tidal Velocity Asymmetries and Bedload Transport in Shallow Embayments

Tidal Velocity Asymmetries and Bedload Transport in Shallow Embayments Fry, V. and D.G. Aubrey Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 30, pp. 453-473, 1990 WHOI-R-90-008 Tidal circulation can cause a net transport of sediment when the tidal velocity is asymmetric about a zero mean (flood or ebb dominant) and the sediment transport rate is related…

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