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Teacher Workshop: July 15, 2022- Sea Level Rise

The Perfect Storm: Exploring how sea level rise and storms intersect Presenters: Greg Berman, Coastal Processes Specialist, Woods Hole Sea Grant and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension  – The Science of Sea Level Rise and Storms, Presentation Slides   Shannon Hulst, Floodplain Specialist, Woods Hole Sea Grant and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension – Applying the Science:…

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Coastal Impacts Newsletter Winter 2022

  Coastal Impacts Woods Hole Sea Grant Newsletter February 2022 Letter From The Director Business Continuity Planning Program Scheduled National Flood Insurance Program Updates Community Rating System Updates Upcoming Floodplain Management Training Funded Researchers Working on Real-Time ‘Shark Forecast’ Working Toward Shellfish More Robust to Disease Pressures Girls in Science Now Accepting Applications for 2022 Sessions Dune Sign…

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Coastal Conference Series Spotlights Nantucket

More than 100 people attended the second biennial Nantucket Coastal Conference at the Atheneum on June 26, 2019, to hear about the coastal issues that impact Nantucket and the approaches government, industry and non-profit organizations take in addressing them.  Fifth in a series of conferences that started in 2013 and alternate between Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket,…

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Some Determinants of Maturation in Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis

Some Determinants of Maturation in Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis McCormick, S.D. and R.J. Naiman Aquaculture, Vol. 43, pp. 269-278, 1984 WHOI-R-84-019 Size, age, growth rate and photoperiod (the controlling effects of the length of the day on phenomena such as reproductive cycles in mammals, migration patterns in birds, flowering in plants) were examined for their…

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Study Provides Measurement of Nitrogen Removal by Local Shellfish

Towns along Cape Cod and the Islands are looking to shellfish not only as tasty culinary treats, but also for help cleaning up waters degraded by excess nitrogen in the region. While nitrogen is essential for all plants and animals, too much nitrogen in ponds and waterways—often caused by fertilizer runoff and septic tanks—can fuel…

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On the Selection of Aquaculture Species: A Case Study of Marine Molluscs

On the Selection of Aquaculture Species: A Case Study of Marine Molluscs Mann, R. Aquaculture, Vol. 39, pp. 345-353, 1984 WHOI-R-84-004 An overview of marine mollusc culture in the Pacific Ocean reveals a rich variety of species in culture, physical environments where culture is effected, and technological, social, and economic backgrounds of participating individuals. Despite…

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Study Measures Nitrogen Removal by Shellfish

February 6, 2017 — Towns along Cape Cod and the Islands are looking to shellfish not only as tasty culinary treats, but also for help cleaning up waters degraded by excess nitrogen in the region. While nitrogen is essential for all plants and animals, too much nitrogen in ponds and waterways—often caused by fertilizer runoff…

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Research Measures Views on Seals and Sharks

Newly released research results highlight striking differences and some similarities in the way visitors, voters, and commercial fishermen view seals and white sharks on Cape Cod. The findings of the Woods Hole Sea Grant-funded project can help advance marine conservation, promote responsible stewardship, and foster co-existence. From June to September 2021, representative samples of Cape…

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