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Nantucket Coastal Conference Agenda Available
The preliminary agenda for the June 26, 2019 Nantucket Coastal Conference is now online. Join experts, regulators, consultants, researchers, and partners from across the region to discuss a range of critical issues such as coastal resilience, sea level rise, ocean acidification, water quality, storm flooding and erosion. » Agenda and Registration
Read MoreHuman Dimension of Rebounding Population of Seals and White Sharks on Cape Cod, MA
This collaborative project generated knowledge about the views and experiences of residents, tourists, and commercial fishers regarding seals and sharks on Cape Cod. Investigators used surveys to measure stakeholder beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions of seal/shark interactions, management, and conflict mitigation strategies. The knowledge gained from this survey will enable managers, policy makers, and non-governmental organizations…
Read MoreAquaculture Curricula Resource Guide: A Resource Tool for the Aquaculture Educator
Aquaculture Curricula Resource Guide: A Resource Tool for the Aquaculture Educator Available on loan from the National Sea Grant Library or online: (look for “Curricula Guide”) Soares, S.J., J.K. Buttner, and D.F. Leavitt NRAC Publication No. 01-001, 54 pp., 2001 WHOI-E-01-003
Read MoreFederal Crop Insurance for Massachusetts Quahog Farmers
Federal Crop Insurance for Massachusetts Quahog Farmers Helpful to educators and students Leavitt, D.F. Focal Points, 2 pp., 1999 WHOI-G-99-001 Also available online: click here
Read MoreClam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management
Clam Tents: A New Approach to Soft-Shell Clam Culture and Management Helpful to educators and students Leavitt, D.F. Marine Extension Bulletin, 4 pp., 1998 WHOI-G-98-006 Also available online: click here
Read MoreTheme Booklet: Environmental Technologies
Theme Booklet: Environmental Technologies WHOI Sea Grant 4 pp., 2000 WHOI-G-00-006 Also available online: click here Learn more of WHOI Sea Grant’s investment in environmental technologies which has resulted in the development of new tools for analyzing and interpreting the effects of toxic chemicals on the reproduction, development, and disease defenses in marine animals and…
Read MoreStudy Provides Measurement of Nitrogen Removal by Local Shellfish
Towns along Cape Cod and the Islands are looking to shellfish not only as tasty culinary treats, but also for help cleaning up waters degraded by excess nitrogen in the region. While nitrogen is essential for all plants and animals, too much nitrogen in ponds and waterways—often caused by fertilizer runoff and septic tanks—can fuel…
Read MoreSome Determinants of Maturation in Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis
Some Determinants of Maturation in Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis McCormick, S.D. and R.J. Naiman Aquaculture, Vol. 43, pp. 269-278, 1984 WHOI-R-84-019 Size, age, growth rate and photoperiod (the controlling effects of the length of the day on phenomena such as reproductive cycles in mammals, migration patterns in birds, flowering in plants) were examined for their…
Read MoreWHOI-R-91-001 Fenwick, J. Science Willing &
WHOI-R-91-001 Fenwick, J. Science Willing &
Read MoreStudy Measures Nitrogen Removal by Shellfish
February 6, 2017 — Towns along Cape Cod and the Islands are looking to shellfish not only as tasty culinary treats, but also for help cleaning up waters degraded by excess nitrogen in the region. While nitrogen is essential for all plants and animals, too much nitrogen in ponds and waterways—often caused by fertilizer runoff…
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