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Coastal Impacts Newsletter – Dec. 2020

  Coastal Impacts Woods Hole Sea Grant Newsletter DECEMBER 2020 CONTENTS Letter from the Director WHSG Continues DEI Efforts with Recording of Virtual Seminar on Systematic Racism in America Women in STEM Panel Discussion, Part of Girls In Science Program,  Available For Viewing Online New Extension Bulletin Available On Use of Discarded Christmas Trees New…

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Questions and Answers on Purchasing Coastal Real Estate In Massachusetts

Questions and Answers on Purchasing Coastal Real Estate In Massachusetts Are you considering buying property near the water? This brochure focuses on questions you should ask (and where to find the answers) as a potential purchaser of coastal real estate. This resource provides information about permitting, erosion and erosion control structures, flood insurance, and much…

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Shrink Wrap Recycling Program

Boat Shrink Wrap Recycling Program KEEP CONTAMINATION OUT OF RECYCLING WHOI Sea Grant partners with Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and transfers stations at towns across the Cape to conduct an annual boat shrink wrap recycling program. Over the years the program has expanded from a single container  in a WHOI parking lot to collection sites…

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