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Questions and Answers on Purchasing Coastal Real Estate In Massachusetts

Questions and Answers on Purchasing Coastal Real Estate In Massachusetts Are you considering buying property near the water? This brochure focuses on questions you should ask (and where to find the answers) as a potential purchaser of coastal real estate. This resource provides information about permitting, erosion and erosion control structures, flood insurance, and much…

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We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us

We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us Helpful to educators and students. Hendrickson, L. and G.S. Giese In: Hornig, D. (ed.) State of the Cape 1994: Progress Toward Preservation, Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod, Orleans, MA, pp. 157-174, 1994 WHOI-R-93-008

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Diseases, Pests, and Predators of Concern to New England Shellfish Growers

Diseases, Pests, and Predators of Concern to New England Shellfish Growers Walton, W. brochures, 2005 WHOI-H-05-002, 003, and 004 Also available as PDF files by clicking on the topic of interest: diseases, pests, predators If you are a shellfish grower, harvester, or resource manager, you are well aware that diseases, pests, and predators are issues…

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Aquaculture & Fisheries

Aquaculture and Fisheries Featured Video Water Quality and Shellfish on Cape Cod Featured Topics Oysters Surf Clams River Herring American Lobsters Kelp Research Among the important fisheries and aquaculture research projects supported by WHSG are: PhytO-ARM, An Open-source Platform for Real-time Phytoplankton Monitoring, Data Sharing, and Automated Aquaculture Management Market Development to Diversify Shellfish…

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New Aquaculture Projects Funded

Bay State Aquaculture Projects Get Green Light from National Sea Grant Program October 31, 2017–Two new grants to the Woods Hole Sea Grant program totaling more than $650,000 will support research aimed at expanding aquaculture production in Massachusetts. The projects won funding as part of a national strategic investment in aquaculture by the NOAA Sea…

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