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Sea Grant 2019 Aquaculture Funding Opportunities

The National Sea Grant College Program (NSGCP) has announced three federal funding opportunities (FFOs) to advance U.S. aquaculture for FY2019. Two of the three require a Sea Grant partner in order to submit the proposal for funding consideration from the NSGCP.  The third FFO does not require a Sea Grant partner, however, WHSG is willing to…

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Shrink Wrap Recycling Program

Boat Shrink Wrap Recycling Program KEEP CONTAMINATION OUT OF RECYCLING WHOI Sea Grant partners with Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and transfers stations at towns across the Cape to conduct an annual boat shrink wrap recycling program. Over the years the program has expanded from a single container  in a WHOI parking lot to collection sites…

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Some Determinants of Maturation in Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis

Some Determinants of Maturation in Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis McCormick, S.D. and R.J. Naiman Aquaculture, Vol. 43, pp. 269-278, 1984 WHOI-R-84-019 Size, age, growth rate and photoperiod (the controlling effects of the length of the day on phenomena such as reproductive cycles in mammals, migration patterns in birds, flowering in plants) were examined for their…

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Bulletin: New Shoreline Change Data Reveal Massachusetts is Eroding

Bulletin: New Shoreline Change Data Reveal Massachusetts is Eroding Approximately 75 percent of the U.S. ocean shoreline is eroding. Massachusetts’ ocean-facing shore is no exception. A recent study of shoreline change in Massachusetts by the U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant Program, and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension reveals that approximately 68 percent,…

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