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Building Resilience on Cape Cod

In June, WHOI Sea Grant’s Coastal and Communications teams organized and/or sponsored a dozen events under the banner of Cape Cod Coastal Resilience Week 2024. With the aim of educating the public about the risks caused by storms and a changing climate, the teams sought to improve our resilience as individuals, communities, towns and as a region. This week featured a screening with the Woods Hole Film Festival of “Inundation District,” a resilience fair, pub trivia nights, MyCoast app training, a climate anxiety workshop and culminating in a pre-concert storytelling event at the Cape Cod Symphony.

Coastal Processes Specialist Bryan McCormack, right, leads a group through the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge in Chatham.
Coastal Processes Specialist Bryan McCormack, right, leads a group through the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge in Chatham.

"Coastal Resilience Week gave us a great opportunity to get out and meet community members across Cape Cod," said Coastal Resilience Specialist Shelly McComb. "Our intention was to help people understand their vulnerabilities to storms, flooding, and erosion, and what actions to take to be better prepared."

During the week's events, the team distributed hundreds of copies of the Massachusetts Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for Coastal Hazards and created two new products -- a Portuguese translation of the Homeowner's Handbook and a Resource Guide to Flood Insurance and Protecting your Home and Business on Cape Cod.

Find links to resources and event recordings on the Cape Cod Coastal Resilience Week 2024 website.