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Traditional Ecological Art & Science: Designing Sustainable Shorelines

Traditional Ecological Art & Science: Designing Sustainable Shorelines Principal Investigators and Partners Robert Chen, Professor of Carbon Biochemistry, University of Massachusetts Boston Lois Hetland, Professor of Art Education, Massachusetts College of Art and Design Cedric Woods, Director, Institute for New England Native American Studies (INENAS) Kim Starbuck, Senior Research Associate, Urban Harbors Institute at UMass…

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Shark Research: The Rewilding of Cape Cod

A fatal shark attack in Wellfleet on Cape Cod in 2018 has heightened the focus on protecting beachgoers from sharks. While the means of doing that is a subject of intense debate, many proposed actions involved new technologies and the need for increased awareness of sharks in the environment. Three new research projects funded by…

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The Ah Receptor: Comparative Biochemistry and Possible Role as a Biomarker of Susceptibility to PHAH

The Ah Receptor: Comparative Biochemistry and Possible Role as a Biomarker of Susceptibility to PHAH Hahn, M.E., B.A. Jensen, and E.-Y. Kim In: Endocrine Disruptors in the Marine Environment: Impacts on Marine Wildlife and Human Health. Proceedings of the Atlantic Coast Contaminants Workshop, pp. 120-126, 2000 WHOI-R-00-012 Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) are ubiquitous contaminants of…

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