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Suggested Educational Resources For Use During School Closures

Educational resources used during school closures Woods Hole Sea Grant is pleased to be able to provide this list of educational resources to assist families and teachers with ideas and on-line programming for use during the unique school situations in response to COVID-19. IMPORTANT: Please check with state and/or local officials for the latest information…

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Flying High with NWS

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 Up, Up, and Away – Flying High with NWS Weather Balloons with Jeff Orrock, NOAA’s National Weather Service in Wakefield, VA NOAA launches weather balloons twice a day across the entire country. Weather balloons, also known as sounding balloons, are a special type of high-altitude balloon carrying instruments to near the…

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1990-2000 Fisheries & Aquaculture Overview

Snapshot WHOI Sea Grant’s investment in fisheries and aquaculture has resulted in the development of better management practices and policies for shellfish harvest and shellfish aquaculture and better understanding of the life history and environmental requirements of commercially important species of fish and shellfish. Background In Massachusetts, the fishing and aquaculture industries are tightly entwined…

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Bulletin: Coastal Dune Protection & Restoration

Bulletin: Coastal Dune Protection & Restoration This bulletin addresses restoration of the dynamic frontal coastal sand dune system with sand fencing and ‘Cape’ American beachgrass. Other typical Northeast area dune plants, such as Rosa Rugosa, Bayberry, and Beach Plum occupy more stable secondary and backdune areas.

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Human Dimension of Rebounding Population of Seals and White Sharks on Cape Cod, MA

This collaborative project generated knowledge about the views and experiences of residents, tourists, and commercial fishers regarding seals and sharks on Cape Cod. Investigators used surveys to measure stakeholder beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions of seal/shark interactions, management, and conflict mitigation strategies. The knowledge gained from this survey will enable managers, policy makers, and non-governmental organizations…

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Human Dimension of Rebounding Population of Seals and White Sharks on Cape Cod, Massachusetts

This collaborative project generated knowledge about the views and experiences of residents, tourists, and commercial fishers regarding seals and sharks on Cape Cod. Investigators used surveys to measure stakeholder beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions of seal/shark interactions, management, and conflict mitigation strategies. The knowledge gained from this survey will enable managers, policy makers, and non-governmental organizations…

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Theme Booklet: Fisheries and Aquaculture

Theme Booklet: Fisheries and Aquaculture WHOI Sea Grant 4 pp., 2000 WHOI-G-00-004 Learn more of WHOI Sea Grant’s investment in fisheries and aquaculture which has resulted in the development of better management practices and policies for shellfish harvest and shellfish aquaculture and better understanding of the life history and environmental requirements of commercially important species…

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Nonfuel Minerals

Nonfuel Minerals Broadus, J.M. and P. Hoagland In: Farrow, S., J.M. Broadus, T. Grigalunas, P. Hoagland, and J. Opaluch (eds.), Managing the Outer Continental Shelf Lands: Oceans of Controversy, pp. 119-134, 1990 WHOI-R-90-021

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