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Coral Reef Biodiversity

Coral Reef Biodiversity:  Dive into the Species Found on a Coral Reef    This project is a collaboration between the NOAA Regional Collaboration Network and Woods Hole Sea Grant. Summary This 2nd grade, standards-based activity is meant to accompany our NOAA Live! Webinars on corals and serve as an example of how you can dive…

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Effects of environmental quality on early stage juvenile shellfish growth and survival: an aquaculture approach using in situ eutrophication and coastal acidification gradients

Effects of environmental quality on early stage juvenile shellfish growth and survival: An aquaculture approach using in situ eutrophication and coastal acidification gradients Principal Investigators Jennie Rheuban, Woods Hole Sea Grant Josh Reitsma, Woods Hole Sea Grant/Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Abigail Archer, Woods Hole Sea Grant/Cape Cod Cooperative Extension   Summary The PIs seek to…

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Managed Retreat

Managed Retreat In the coastal environment, managed retreat is a planned, coordinated movement of people, homes, and buildings away from flood and erosion hazards. Because of rising sea levels due to climate change, governments, communities, and homeowners are paying increasing attention to managed retreat from low-lying coastal areas. Coastal Homeowner Buyout Climate change is bringing…

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Program Development

Program Development Funds Note: Program Development funds are awarded on a rolling basis as needed and applicants must be based at a Massachusetts institution to be eligible to receive funding. Program Development funds are contingent on federal budget appropriations.  Background Each year WHOI Sea Grant allocates part of its budget for Program Development (PD) funds. The…

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2000-2002 Projects

Controls on Nitrogen Fluxes from Estuarine Sediments: The Importance of Salinity Anne E. Giblin and Charles S. Hopkinson, Jr., The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory Nitrogen is the key element limiting primary production in estuaries. While a great deal of research has been done to examine the relationship between nitrogen loading from a watershed and…

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Community-Focused Ocean Renewable Energy Research

Community-Focused Ocean Renewable Energy Research The Northeast Sea Grant Consortium seeks proposals to catalyze social science and technology research for ocean renewable energy planning in the Northeast, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office and Water Power Technologies Office, and NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center.  Submission information, contacts, and more…

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Marine Outreach Guidance Group (MOGG) 

Marine Outreach Guidance Group (MOGG) The Marine Outreach Guidance Group (MOGG) is the advisory group for Woods Hole Sea Grant and includes members from academia, industry, the public media, and government agencies. The advisory group provides input on research programming, extension activities, legislative interactions, media activities and all other aspects of the WHOI Sea Grant…

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Nantucket Coastal Conference Agenda Available

The preliminary agenda for the June 26, 2019 Nantucket Coastal Conference is now online. Join experts, regulators, consultants, researchers, and partners from across the region to discuss a range of critical issues such as coastal resilience, sea level rise, ocean acidification, water quality, storm flooding and erosion. » Agenda and Registration

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Oyster Aquaculture Overview Oysters provide benefits to the ecosystem, human health, the Blue Economy. Shellfish act as natural water purifiers by filtering and removing pollutants from the sea. They contain high-quality protein and other essential nutrients and are an important part of a healthful diet. In 2021, a total of 398 aquaculture growers cultivated 1352.3…

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