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Recent Global Sea Levels and Land Levels

Recent Global Sea Levels and Land Levels Aubrey, D.G. and K.O. Emery In: Warrick, R.A., E.M. Barrow, and T.M.L. Wigley (eds.), Climate and Sea Level Change: Observations, Projections and Implications, Proceedings Climate Change Workshop, Norwich, U.K. Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-56, 1993 WHOI-R-93-015

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Lesson Plans and Classroom Visits Coasts, Oceans, and Stewardship Program (COAST) This program is a collaboration between the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center and Woods Hole Sea Grant.   Woods Hole Sea Grant (WHSG) and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) in Woods Hole, MA developed a program to create educational materials relating to key marine…

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Lesson Plans and Classroom Visits

Lesson Plans and Classroom Visits Coasts, Oceans, and Stewardship Program (COAST) This program is a collaboration between the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center and WHOI Sea Grant.   WHOI Sea Grant (WHOI SG) and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) in Woods Hole, MA developed a program to create educational materials relating to key marine and…

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The Quantitative Description of Beach Cycles

The Quantitative Description of Beach Cycles Aubrey, D.G. and R.M. Ross Marine Geology, Vol. 69, pp. 155-170, 1985 WHOI-R-85-013 A quantitative method is developed to describe sequential changes in beach profile morphology. The method provides a uniform way to objectively discriminate energetic beach cycles, and yields a concise representation for beach modeling and prediction. It…

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