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Marine Debris

Marine Debris Marine debris is a global problem that injures and kills marine animals, threatens to navigational safety, and poses a human health threat. WHOI Sea Grant is dedicated to the reduction of marine debris, regionally and globally. We are actively involved in the mitigation of marine debris in our environment by funding research into…

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Resources for Educators & Students

Resources for Educators and Students Adaptations and Climate Change Expand How Whales Change the Climate:  Video from Sustainable Human showing whales’ role in the ecosystem and climate. Port Townsend Marine Science Center- Orca Bone Atlas: This is a great resource that shows an Orca skeleton and allows you to see 3-D views of various parts of the…

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Shellfish Research » Identification of the cause of hemic neoplasia in Mercenaria mercenaria and development of management methods NRAC-USDA Fall 2017 – Fall 2019 » Market Development to Diversify Shellfish Aquaculture Products in Massachusetts NOAA SG Aquaculture Initiative: Addressing Impediments to Aqua. Opportunities Sept. 2017 – Sept. 2019​ » Piloting surf clam aquaculture techniques to…

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Coastal Managers

Coastal Managers Coastal Processes The Coastal Processes Extension agents provide technical assistance to the communities of Barnstable County on a variety of coastal land protection and management issues. This is accomplished through site visits, giving formal and informal presentations to regulatory, business, and community groups, and planning and conducting seminars, workshops, and meetings. The Coastal…

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2004-2006 Projects

Environmental Contaminants and Fish Reproduction Not if, but how? That is the question WHOI postdoctoral investigator Joanna Wilson is asking about how certain environmental contaminants effect marine and freshwater fish reproduction. By applying new research tools—advanced mass spectrometry and proteomics—Wilson and her former graduate advisor, John Stegeman, a WHOI senior scientist, will measure proteins associated…

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Surf Clams

Surf Clams In the marketplace, one-year-old surf clams are known as “New England Butter Clams” – a relatively new product on the market. Farming New England Butter Clams means they can be harvested at a size in which they are tender, buttery and sweet – as well as easy and versatile to prepare. This results…

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Outreach: Reporting from the Heart of the Storm

The winter storms of 2018 are experiences most of New Englanders would like to forget. However, the pounding the region took through the month of March left an indelible mark on many north and east facing towns and beaches, destroying homes, buildings, and other structures, and eroding swaths of shoreline. This week the White House…

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