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Salmon Background Historically, Atlantic salmon were plentiful in the Northeast U.S. However, they are currently at 1-5% of those historical estimates and consequently are listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). As anadromous fish, Atlantic salmon face many challenges during their initial hatching and two years in freshwater nursery rivers; journey through the estuaries and…

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Reporting from the Heart of the Storm

Reporting from the Heart of the Storm Overwash at Nauset Beach in Eastham, Mass. The winter storms of 2018 are experiences most of New Englanders would like to forget. However, the pounding the region took through the month of March left an indelible mark on many north and east facing towns and beaches, destroying homes,…

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Is There a Market for Shucked Oysters?

It’s no secret that we’ve got a lot of oysters on Cape Cod. With restaurants closing due to the COVID pandemic, oyster growers have lost their primary customers and many are left holding the bag on this year’s oyster harvest. In Massachusetts, more than 90 percent of oysters are eaten raw on the half-shell and…

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Cyclical Behavior of the Tidal Inlet at Nauset Beach, Chatham, Massachusetts

Cyclical Behavior of the Tidal Inlet at Nauset Beach, Chatham, Massachusetts Giese, G.S. In: Aubrey, D.G. and L. Weishar (eds.), Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics of Tidal Inlets. Lecture Notes on Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Vol. 29, pp. 269-283, 1988 WHOI-R-88-025 Study of historical data concerning shoreline forms and change on southeastern…

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