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NOAALive4Kids coral polyp art

NOAA Live! coral polyp art During the #NOAALive4Kids webinar “Born is the Coral Polyp, A Creation Story from Hawaiʻi”, educator and archaeologist Malia Evans showed you how to design and make coral polyp art.  Here are some photos that were shared with us.  To view the webinar that was recorded on January 5, 2022, click…

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The Ah Receptor: Comparative Biochemistry and Possible Role as a Biomarker of Susceptibility to PHAH

The Ah Receptor: Comparative Biochemistry and Possible Role as a Biomarker of Susceptibility to PHAH Hahn, M.E., B.A. Jensen, and E.-Y. Kim In: Endocrine Disruptors in the Marine Environment: Impacts on Marine Wildlife and Human Health. Proceedings of the Atlantic Coast Contaminants Workshop, pp. 120-126, 2000 WHOI-R-00-012 Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) are ubiquitous contaminants of…

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1998-2000 Projects

Dynamics of the Toxic Dinoflagellate, Alexandrium, in the Gulf of Maine: Source Populations and Downstream Impacts Donald M. Anderson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Jefferson T. Turner, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth Toxic algal blooms or “red tides” can cause serious health and economic problems, including Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP), which occurs when shellfish, zooplankton,…

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Surf Clams

Surf Clams In the marketplace, one-year-old surf clams are known as “New England Butter Clams” – a relatively new product on the market. Farming New England Butter Clams means they can be harvested at a size in which they are tender, buttery and sweet – as well as easy and versatile to prepare. This results…

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#NOAALive4Kids kiʻi pōhaku (petroglyphs)

NOAA Live! kiʻi pōhaku (petroglyphs) During the #NOAALive4Kids webinar “Stories in the Stone: Archaeology in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument”, educator and archaeologist Malia Evans showed you how to design and make kiʻi pōhaku (petroglyphs) that represent you, your family, or your community.  Here are some that were shared with us.  To view the webinar that…

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Effects of Stratification by Suspended Sediments on Turbulent Shear Flows

Effects of Stratification by Suspended Sediments on Turbulent Shear Flows Villaret, C. and J.H. Trowbridge Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 96, No. C6, pp. 10659-10680, 1991 WHOI-R-91-002 Sediments suspended in turbulent flows of water over plane beds are known to influence the structure of the flows by which they are carried. Past attempts to model…

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