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Beyond Oysters: Expanding the shellfish market for alternative species

Expanding shellfish markets for alternative species Oysters on the half shell represent 94 percent of Massachusetts’s $28 million shellfish aquaculture industry. For an industry that has grown over 300 percent in value over the last ten years, some worry about the reliance on a monocrop: one bad year for oysters could be devastating to aquaculture…

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2004-2006 Projects

Oil Undercover: Ecological Effects of a 30-year-old Oil Spill Since 1969, when the barge Florida, headed for the Cape Cod Canal, ran aground and spilled over 650,000 liters of No. 2 fuel oil on a pristine section of Cape Cod coastline, Woods Hole scientists have studied the salt marsh sediments for ecological effects and recovery.…

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Hurricanes Though it has been 30 years since the last major hurricane struck the Massachusetts coast, hurricanes can be devastating and they can happen here! Be smart and prepare yourself, your family and your home to minimize losses from a hurricane. Preparing for a Hurricane in New England *From Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for…

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Helping Communities Lower the Cost of Flood Insurance

Helping Communities Lower the Cost of Flood Insurance March 2018 — Three years ago, Woods Hole Sea Grant and its outreach partner the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension developed a first-of-its-kind program for coordinating regional flood insurance and promoting flood resilience in coastal communities. That program is now serving as a model for others across the…

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