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How Do Sharks Respond to Internal Waves in the Ocean?

A new study provides insight into the behavior of small sharks when encountering a common ocean phenomenon known as internal waves. These waves play powerful and still unknown roles in the exchange of heat, energy, water properties and nutrients throughout the ocean, and can change the vertical distribution …

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Coastal Conference Series Spotlights Nantucket

More than 100 people attended the second biennial Nantucket Coastal Conference at the Atheneum on June 26, 2019, to hear about the coastal issues that impact Nantucket and the approaches government, industry and non-profit organizations take in addressing them.  Fifth in a series of conferences that started in 2013 and alternate between Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket,…

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2017 NCC

Nantucket Coastal Conference June 6, 2017 Nantucket Atheneum Great Hall, Nantucket, Mass. Keynote Coastal Change Rob Thieler, USGS –Woods Hole, Center Director Coastal Erosion Shifting Sands and the Shorelines of Nantucket Andrew Ashton, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Sconset Geotube Update Maria Hartnett, Epsilon Associates; Twenty-three Years of Monitoring Sciasconset, MA Mitch Buck, Woods Hole…

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Outreach: Reporting from the Heart of the Storm

The winter storms of 2018 are experiences most of New Englanders would like to forget. However, the pounding the region took through the month of March left an indelible mark on many north and east facing towns and beaches, destroying homes, buildings, and other structures, and eroding swaths of shoreline. This week the White House…

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2004-2006 Projects

Environmental Contaminants and Fish Reproduction Not if, but how? That is the question WHOI postdoctoral investigator Joanna Wilson is asking about how certain environmental contaminants effect marine and freshwater fish reproduction. By applying new research tools—advanced mass spectrometry and proteomics—Wilson and her former graduate advisor, John Stegeman, a WHOI senior scientist, will measure proteins associated…

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Mapping Katama Bay’s Restless Sands

Boaters on Martha’s Vineyard know navigational maps of Katama Bay become obsolete very quickly. Why do the sands at the bottom of the Bay shift so much and so often? Katama Bay has two inlets. Water pours in from Vineyard Sound through Edgartown Channel, and from the Atlantic Ocean through Katama Inlet. The size and…

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Overview: Marine Mineral Reserves and Resources–1988

Overview: Marine Mineral Reserves and Resources–1988 Emery, K.O. and J.M. Broadus Marine Mining, Vol. 8, pp. 109-121, 1989 WHOI-R-89-008 Marine mining has been conducted on local and generally small scales for thousands of years. Large-scale recovery from beaches and piers began only about 40 years ago, and soon afterward powered ships and tools and new…

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