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Striped Bass Activity, Behavior and Mortality in Recreational Fishery

Stripers On The Line: Quantifying short-term post-release activity, behavior, and mortality of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Massachusetts recreational fishery Principal Investigators Andy Danylchuk, University of Massachusetts Amherst Lucas Griffin, University of Massachusetts Amherst   Photo by A. Burr Abstract Globally, recreational fishing is an incredibly popular leisure activity that provides a wide range…

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Teacher-at-Sea Alumni Connect with Woods Hole Sea Grant

For educators who want to teach young people about ocean science, the opportunity to work with world-renowned scientists and experience life at sea aboard a research vessel is a dream come true. The NOAA Teacher at Sea Program gives teachers that opportunity, sending select teachers on research expeditions that last anywhere from two weeks to…

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Beyond Oysters: Expanding the shellfish market for alternative species

Expanding shellfish markets for alternative species Oysters on the half shell represent 94 percent of Massachusetts’s $28 million shellfish aquaculture industry. For an industry that has grown over 300 percent in value over the last ten years, some worry about the reliance on a monocrop: one bad year for oysters could be devastating to aquaculture…

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Bulletin: Beach and Dune Profiles: An Educational Tool for Observing and Comparing Dynamic Coastal Environments

Bulletin: Beach and Dune Profiles: An Educational Tool for Observing and Comparing Dynamic Coastal Environments Beaches and dunes are in constant motion, continually changing shape and shifting position in response to winds, waves, tides, relative sea level, and human activities. The most significant changes occur seasonally and following storms.

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Kinematic and Dynamic Estimates from Electromagnetic Current Meter Data

Kinematic and Dynamic Estimates from Electromagnetic Current Meter Data Aubrey, D.G. and J.H. Trowbridge Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 90, No. C5, pp. 9137-9146, 1985 WHOI-R-85-006 Comprehensive laboratory measurements and a thorough review of applicable literature show that electromagnetic current meters (manufactured by Marsh-McBurney, Inc.) are adequate for many kinematic measurements but may lead to…

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Wicked Good Education: National Marine Educators Come to Boston

WHOI Sea Grant Education Specialist Grace Simpkins has had a busy year.  When the National Marine Educators Association decided to hold its annual meeting in Boston in 2024, Grace and her colleagues on the board of the Massachusetts chapter sprang into action, planning the week-long meeting that brings together teachers and informal educators from across…

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