The Woods Hole Sea Grant program has awarded researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and other Massachusetts academic organizations funds for six new projects. The awards represent a total anticipated research investment of nearly $1.5 million over the next two years from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other non-federal matching funds. “We are proud…
Grace Simpkins joins Woods Hole Sea Grant Staff Jan. 26, 2018 — The Woods Hole Sea Grant (WHSG) program is pleased to announce the appointment of Grace Simpkins to the part-time position of Sea Grant Educator. Simpkins, who has an M.S. in Marine Biology from the Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks, assumed her post on Jan.…
The December issue of Coastal Impacts is out! Coastal Impacts, Woods Hole Sea Grant’s newsletter, is a quarterly newsletter to keep you updated on the research and outreach projects funded by Woods Hole Sea Grant to have a positive impact on Massachusetts’s changing coastal environment. Please let us know what you think and share it…
Woods Hole Sea Grant and the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Marine Program are offering a Fundamentals of Shellfish Farming class starting on Thursday, March 22, 2018. The class will meet every Thursday night from 6:00-8:00 p.m. through May 10, 2018, and will be held at the Barnstable County Complex – Harborview Conference Room on Route…
Woods Hole Sea Grant invites qualified individuals to submit applications for the Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship. Approximately thirty-five individuals are selected nationally for this prestigious Fellowship to spend a year in Washington, D.C., working in Congress or the Executive Branch on critical marine policy and resource management issues. Nominees must be enrolled in…
February 6, 2017 — Towns along Cape Cod and the Islands are looking to shellfish not only as tasty culinary treats, but also for help cleaning up waters degraded by excess nitrogen in the region. While nitrogen is essential for all plants and animals, too much nitrogen in ponds and waterways—often caused by fertilizer runoff…
Two new grants to the Woods Hole Sea Grant program totaling more than $650,000 will support research aimed at expanding aquaculture production in Massachusetts. The projects won funding as part of a national strategic investment in aquaculture by the NOAA Sea Grant Program. “The United States is one of the world’s leading seafood consumers, yet…
Bay State Aquaculture Projects Get Green Light from National Sea Grant Program October 31, 2017–Two new grants to the Woods Hole Sea Grant program totaling more than $650,000 will support research aimed at expanding aquaculture production in Massachusetts. The projects won funding as part of a national strategic investment in aquaculture by the NOAA Sea…
On Sept. 29, 2017, the Cape Cod Times ran an op-ed by Shannon Jarbeau. Jarbeau is the flood plain coordinator for Woods Hole Sea Grant and the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and works extensively on the community rating system for flood insurance. Read full op-ed