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Kinematic and Dynamic Estimates from Electromagnetic Current Meter Data

Kinematic and Dynamic Estimates from Electromagnetic Current Meter Data Aubrey, D.G. and J.H. Trowbridge Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 90, No. C5, pp. 9137-9146, 1985 WHOI-R-85-006 Comprehensive laboratory measurements and a thorough review of applicable literature show that electromagnetic current meters (manufactured by Marsh-McBurney, Inc.) are adequate for many kinematic measurements but may lead to…

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Science at Our Shores: Woods Hole Sea Grant Research Symposium

Friday, March 6, 2020 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Redfield Auditorium Woods Hole, MA Researchers explain the work they’re doing to investigate pressing environmental and coastal issues. Showcasing recently completed and newly funded Sea Grant projects on shoreline resilience, sustainable fisheries, and sharks and microplastics in our waters, among others. This event is free and…

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Enjoying Oysters Safely in Massachusetts

Each year, millions of fresh raw oysters are consumed in Massachusetts, most of them in the warm summer months. During that time, aquaculturists in the Commonwealth take extra precautions to safeguard their harvests from the heat, include icing oysters at the time of harvest – a step that can double or triple the weight of…

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Understanding the Waquoit Bay Ecosystem

A Q&A with Sarah Foster Sarah Foster is a Boston University graduate student doing her dissertation research in Waquoit Bay (Cape Cod, Massachusetts). A biogeochemist, Sarah investigates the impact hypoxia, or low oxygen, in the water has on crucial functions within Waquoit Bay’s ecosystem. She recently published research she and her co-author, Wally Fulweiler conducted in…

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The Swimming Behavior of Larval Oysters

Jeanette Wheeler (right) and WHOI Summer Student Fellow Elaine Luo used a turbulence tank to study the swimming behavior of oyster larvae. Photo by Tom Kleindinst, WHOI Oysters are a species of profound economic and ecological importance, as they represent a hundred million dollar per year aquaculture and fishing industry in the U.S. and are…

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