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Update on River Herring Network

Update on River Herring Network Dec. 2017 — Each spring river herring come from the ocean and swim, or “run” up rivers to spawn in ponds and slow sections of rivers. Each fall, Massachusetts river herring wardens gather together to talk about their favorite fish and discuss ways to preserve it. For centuries, people used…

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Funding & Fellowships

Research Funding Sea Grant provides a variety of funding opportunities based on its work in four focus areas: Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Resilient Coastal Communities and Economies, and Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development. National Sea Grant funding opportunities also include National Strategic Investments, for example in aquaculture, and other special projects. Research…

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Regional Topics

Regional Topics Woods Hole Sea Grant (WHSG) works within an ocean and coastal environment that strongly influences the state’s economy, culture, and residents. Since its inception, WHSG has provided scientific research, outreach, communication and education to Massachusetts’s coastal residents. WHSG-supported researchers are at the scientific foreground, and WHSG works actively with communities, coastal managers, and…

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Hurricanes Though it has been 30 years since the last major hurricane struck the Massachusetts coast, hurricanes can be devastating and they can happen here! Be smart and prepare yourself, your family and your home to minimize losses from a hurricane. Preparing for a Hurricane in New England *From Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for…

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Reporting from the Heart of the Storm

Reporting from the Heart of the Storm Overwash at Nauset Beach in Eastham, Mass. The winter storms of 2018 are experiences most of New Englanders would like to forget. However, the pounding the region took through the month of March left an indelible mark on many north and east facing towns and beaches, destroying homes,…

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2004-2006 Projects

Environmental Contaminants and Fish Reproduction Not if, but how? That is the question WHOI postdoctoral investigator Joanna Wilson is asking about how certain environmental contaminants effect marine and freshwater fish reproduction. By applying new research tools—advanced mass spectrometry and proteomics—Wilson and her former graduate advisor, John Stegeman, a WHOI senior scientist, will measure proteins associated…

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Mapping Katama Bay’s Restless Sands

Boaters on Martha’s Vineyard know navigational maps of Katama Bay become obsolete very quickly. Why do the sands at the bottom of the Bay shift so much and so often? Katama Bay has two inlets. Water pours in from Vineyard Sound through Edgartown Channel, and from the Atlantic Ocean through Katama Inlet. The size and…

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